For my final year degree project, we have been told to use a specific website to do a university blog. This new link will take you to that page where you can find out all out my thought process, the weird and wonderful world that is. My blog will include artist inspirations, a range of photographic series, experimentations (the good and the bad), poetry, climate facts, shocking statistics and oh a bunch more. This will truly be a snippet into the mind of me!
You might see a few posts on the blog which are not accompanied with text and think errmmm how is this relevant? To be honest, I might also be thinking the same thing... I will upload series that I think have something to say, but I might not be sure what they are saying just yet. Maybe they speak for themselves and I don't think they need explaining; it is up to the interpretation of the viewer. I often name series and the title intends to make you think, so this could be a clue. Who knows where my project will go, but I'm excited to be exploring the topic area I've chosen, which is Deforestation. If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to leave comments or message me directly!
I've never been one to write a blog and I'm not overly sure what tone they're meant to take. If its colloquial, formal, informative, imaginative, thought provoking, personal views/opinions, humorous or serious (if I choose humours, please bare with the bad jokes, my mums from Yorkshire so there might be a sprinkling bad puns weaved into posts). I think a lot of the time my mind will wonder when I type so a blog might start on one topic and end on another, but hey we will work it out!
